mirDIP : microRNA Data Integration Portal

References :

MicroRNA - target predictions


- Link: http://compgenomics.utsa.edu/gene/gene_1.php

- PMID: 23282032


Bi-Targeting (run 2021)

- Link: https://www.cs.bgu.ac.il/~vaksler/BiTargeting.htm

- PMID: 20465802



- Link: http://cometa.tigem.it/index.php

- PMID: 22345618


Cupid (version 2015)

- Link: http://cupidtool.sourceforge.net/

- PMID: 25378249



- Link: http://diana.imis.athena-innovation.gr/DianaTools/index.php?r=microT_CDS/index

- PMID: 22285563


MBStar (version 2014)

- Link: http://www.isical.ac.in/~bioinfo_miu/MBStar30.htm

- PMID: 25614300


mirAncestar (version 2016)

- Link: http://cs.mcgill.ca/~blanchem/mirancestar/

- PMID: 27899600


miRanda (run 2021)

- Link: http://www.microrna.org

- PMID: 15502875


miRbase (version 2014)

- Link: http://www.mirbase.org/

- PMID: 14681370



- Link: http://www.mircode.org/index.php

- PMID: 22718787


mirCox (version 2013)

- Link:

- PMID: 24267917


miRDB (version 2019)

- Link: http://mirdb.org/

- PMID: 25378301


mirMAP (version 2013)

- Link: http://mirmap.ezlab.org/

- PMID: 23034802


miRNATIP (version 2016)

- Link: http://tblab.pa.icar.cnr.it/public/miRNATIP/1.0/

- PMID: 28185545



- Link: http://bioinfo.bjmu.edu.cn/mirsnp/download/

- PMID: 23173617


mirTar (version 2014)

- Link: http://mirtar.mbc.nctu.edu.tw/human/

- PMID: 21791068


miRTar2GO (version 2016)

- Link: http://mirtar2go.org/downloadPage.html

- PMID: 27903911


Mirza-G (version 2015)

- Link: http://www.clipz.unibas.ch/index.php?r=tools/sub/mirza_g

- PMID: 25628353


MultiMiTar (version 2014)

- Link: http://www.isical.ac.in/~bioinfo_miu/multimitar.htm

- PMID: 21949731


PACCMIT (version 2013)

- Link: http://lcpt.epfl.ch/MicroRNA_target_predictions

- PMID: 22915600


PITA (run 2021)

- Link: https://genie.weizmann.ac.il/pubs/mir07/

- PMID: 17893677


RNA22 (v2) (Ensembl 96 and miRBase 22)

- Link: https://cm.jefferson.edu/rna22/Interactive/

- Miranda,K.C., Huynh,T., Tay,Y., Ang,Y.S., Tam,W.L., Thomson,A.M., Lim,B. and Rigoutsos,I. (2006) A Pattern-Based Method for the Identification of MicroRNA Binding Sites and Their Corresponding Heteroduplexes. Cell, 126, 1203?1217.


RNAhybrid (run 2021)

- Link: https://bibiserv2.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de/rnahybrid

- PMID: 15383676


TargetScan 7.2 (2018)

- Link: http://www.targetscan.org/cgi-bin/targetscan/data_download.vert71.cgi

- PMID: 14697198



Tissue microRNA and gene expression



-  mRNA Data: GSE126448

-  PMID: 31473989



-  miRNA data: GSE181922

-  PMID: 35482409



-  miRNA and mRNA data: GSE121842

-  PMID: 31169949



-  miRNA and mRNA data: GSE149084



-  mRNA data: GTEx portal

-  PMID: 35549429



-  miRNA data: GSE135055

-  PMID: 31902369



-  mRNA data: IID website

-  PMID: 34755877



-  mRNA data: GSE37765

-  PMID: 23405175



- miRNA and mRNA data: GSE138734

- PMID: 34140680



-  miRNA and mRNA data: GSE137308



-  mRNA data: GSE138518

-  PMID: 32759991



-  miRNA data: Supplementary Table 5

-  PMID: 28877962



-  miRNA data: GSE128359

-  PMID: 29423032



-  miRNA data: Access via miRmine R-package http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/miRmine.html

-  PMID: 28108447


-  miRNA data: GSE134949



-  miRNA and mRNA data: GSE110719

-  PMID: 29986767



-  miRNA and mRNA data: Firehose website

-  PMID: 29625045



-  miRNA data: GSE110719

-  mRNA data: GSE110716

-  PMID: 29986767



-  miRNA data: GSE176288

-  mRNA data: GSE176271

-  PMID: 34557219



-  miRNA and mRNA data: GSE138042

-  PMID: 33748479



Novel microRNAs


-  Ali et al.

-  PMID: 32738291


-  Backes et al.

-  PMID: 26635395


-  Barros-Filho et al.

-  PMID: 30842597


-  De Rie et al.

-  PMID: 28829439


-  Fehlmann et al.

-  PMID: 28911107


-  Friedländer et al.

-  PMID: 24708865


-  Londin et al.

-  PMID: 25713380


- Lorenzi et al.

- PMID: 34140680


-  Martinez et al.

-  PMID: 31368811


-  McCall et al.

-  PMID: 28877962


-  Minatel et al.

-  PMID: 29587854


-  Pewarchuk et al.

-  PMID: 31739401


-  Rock et al.

-  PMID: 31828039


-  Wake et al.

-  PMID: 27716130

All contents copyright: Jurisica Lab, Schroeder Arthritis Institute, Krembil Research Institute - the University Health Network, Toronto, Canada. Last modified Jan 26, 2024. (Version, Database version

All downloads and use of this database are subject to the following terms.

Permission to use, copy, and modify this database hereby granted to all academic and not-for-profit institutions without fee, provided that name of organization and author appear in all copies of the database. Under these conditions, the permission to modify and distribute or to make extended versions of the database is explicitly granted to non-profit organizations. All commercial entities willing to download or use the database must contact the authors. This database is provided "AS-IS" and with out any warranty of any kind. In no event shall Krembil Research Institute - the University Health Network or the authors be liable for any consequential damage of any kind, or any damages resulting from the use of this database.

- Tokar T, Pastrello C, Rossos AEM, Abovsky M, Hauschild AC, Tsay M, Lu R, Jurisica I. mirDIP 4.1-integrative database of human microRNA target predictions. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 Jan 4;46(D1):D360-D370. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx1144. PubMed PMID: 29194489; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5753284
- Shirdel EA, Xie W, Mak TW, Jurisica I, 2011 NAViGaTing the Micronome. Using Multiple MicroRNA Prediction Databases to Identify Signalling Pathway-Associated MicroRNAs. PLoS ONE 6(2): e17429. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017429