pathDIP v.5
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pathDIP 5 is an annotated database of signalling cascades in human and 16 non-human organisms, comprising 6,535 pathways, and covering 195148 genes and 5783 metabolites.

pathDIP 5 substantially improves its integration into complex bioinformatics workflows, with programmatic and web-based enrichment analysis, knowledge-based pathway consolidation, integration with external tools such as Drugst.One, and implementation of multiple charts and heatmaps.

Please cite the following paper for this database:

Rahmati S, Abovsky M, Pastrello C, Kotlyar M, Lu R, Cumbaa C, Rahman P, Chandran V, Jurisica I. pathDIP 4: an extended pathway annotations and enrichment analysis resource for human, model organisms and domesticated species. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Nov 16. WEB , PDF

Jurisica Lab , Krembil Research Institute (Other major projects)

- Integrated Interactions Database: Search Tissue specific protein interactions across species.

- FpClass: Interactions and properties of human proteins.

- Data Visualization and analysis with NAViGaTOR: Scalable network visualization and visual data mining graphic tool powered by OpenGL.

- mirDIP: microRNA Data Integration Portal: MirDIP is a well-established database that aggregates microRNA-gene human interactions from multiple databases.

Note: Some pathDIP searches / tools may take 2-6 minutes to complete results for a large input.

Please enter one or more proteins/genes.    

You can search for known pathway memberships or predicted pathway associations.
Please select human or another organism, the set of annotations and the significance threshold:

Current selection:   


Hint: Separate IDs by: New Line, Semicolon, Comma, Space and Tab.

Hint: IDs Type auto-detection works at a search/save till it first time corrected manually. Reload this page to reset auto detection.

Exclude pathways where only one ID from the input list was found.
Pathway sources: ? Blue:    Metabolic pathway DBs
Green:    Drugs & small molecules pathway DBs
Red:    Signaling and regulatory pathway DBs
Black:    General pathway DBs
Purple:    Cancer pathway DBs
SIGNOR 3.0UniProt_PathwaysWikiPathways

Data Set:
Literature curated (core) pathway memberships
Extended pathway associations.
- Integrate core pathways with Protein interaction set:

Pathway Types:
Hint: Keep Ctrl button to select multiple.

Pathway Enrichment Analysis over complete set of selected sources

Pathway Enrichment Analysis computed separately for each selected source

Hint: p-values smaller than 2.2e-160 are rounded to 0.

All contents copyright © Jurisica Lab, Schroeder Arthritis Institute, Krembil Research Institute - the University Health Network, Toronto, Canada.
Last modified January 28, 2024, version (Database version